n3fen's blog

jueves, diciembre 22, 2005

Stencil Revolution

Imagine a city where graffiti wasn't illegal, a city where everybody could draw wherever they liked. Where every street was awash with a million colours and little phrases. Where standing at a bus stop was never boring. A city that felt like a living breathing thing which belonged to everybody, not just the estate agents and barons of big busines. Imagine a city like that and stop leaning against the wall -its wet.

"Pintar alguna cosa en un espai públic per a fer pensar o riure a la gent és un delicte. Flagelar el teu producte per TV, ràdio, cartells, spam, anuncis en urinaris, regals 'gratis' per als nens, etcètera es coneix com màrqueting."



Blogger sr. sike dijo...

t'ha agafat fort e! passa't per wooster.

a part de stencils tinc una proposta per fer-te.

6:49 p. m.  

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